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All You Need To Know About Plastic Consulting Services

Phantom Plastics is the leading consultancy service for plastics and polymers. Chris DeArmitt PhD, President of Phantom Plastics, can assist you with any problem you may be facing or provide an innovative material.

How a professional plastics consultant can be of assistance?

Much of what we think about plastics or the environment is based on myths that are found online and other sources that are not trustworthy. How do we know which sources are reliable and which are not? Chris has many years of experience in the plastics industry and is able to help you sort through what is true and what is not.

Research suggests that 34% of Americans aren’t able to recognize fake news. What is this saying for plastics, then? It means that, even while the majority of the information out there about plastics is inaccurate, a majority of Americans believe in it. This means that we have to look for reliable sources that can provide the truth.

Chris is a well-known plastic materials scientist. He has spent the majority of his professional life reading articles and reports in search to find the truth. His aim is to educate the public about plastics and let them be aware of the truth about these materials. He also is committed to solving problems and creating new materials for clients who are stuck and dissatisfied.

Making Innovative Plastics Formulations

Chris has over 30 years of industry experience. He is also passionate about science and has solved numerous problems for companies with hundreds of PhD scientists. Chris is a PhD chemical scientist who has been researching plastic for a long time. Chris is a molecular chemist and can thus design innovative materials rather than simply trying to find the right solution. This strategy saves his clients many dollars in time, effort, and frustration.

He can help you with your immediate problem or are searching for new resources to resolve an ongoing problem.

Chris can assist you with solving issues related to thermoplastics. These include:

– PE

– PP



– Nylon

If you require a stabilizer or mineral filler, compatibilizer or any other aid, the expert can design individual recipes.

Get the Expert assistance you need today!

If you’re frustrated and want a solution that is effective, call Phantom Plastics today! Chris has designed custom recipes for a wide range of customers, both large and small and ranging from Fortune 500 to family owned companies. Whatever your challenge is, he’ll treat you with the same respect and amount of urgency that he would any other customer. He truly enjoys problem solving for clients and helping them to understand the importance of plastic.

– Phantom Plastics can help with all of your plastic-related requirements, including:

– Problem finding solution

– Make breakthrough products and create materials that will propel you light years ahead

– Plastics Education

– Discover more about plastics in an an efficient and beneficial method.

– We can help you build your network by helping you connect to potential customers as well as distributors, partners and partners

– Strategies that work

– Serving as your consultant

Do you want more information?

Contact us to find out more information about Phantom Plastics. Chris will take note of what you require and then show you how he can assist.

For more information, click Plastic formulation expert


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