Southern Staru Sabda

All You Need to Know About Latency

The term “latency” refers to the amount of duration it takes for your device and computer to respond to an event such as clicking an online link. For most people, this won’t impact their video streaming or Spotify listening. However, if you game then there can be big problems with latency as due to satellite internet’s more precise than wired connections and this means that players playing games may have a poor performance due to the excessive rates of loss of data due to lengthy pings.

Latency refers to the difference between how your input feels (in this example an anchor) and how quickly it is delivered to other users. So it is a factor to consider if you’re playing video games or watching YouTube videos online then Latency can affect your responsiveness too due to the possibility of things not to be 100% exact in terms of timing based on the speed of their fiber optic cables, which brings them into our homes where we can be able to experience them for ourselves.

What is the cause of latency?

Gamers and End-users can experience problems with latency. The latency of your device is influenced by the distance between your computer and server. Additionally, the strength of Wi-Fi or type could affect the speed. There is also an impact on the modem/router combination you choose to use There are a variety of options! If it sounds complicated initially, do not fret because we’re going to explain each piece here.


The term “latency” refers to the amount of time taken for information to travel from one place to reach the next. In this case, we’re talking about the distance that your computer is from the server(s) which are supplying the data requested by said computer, so if it’s not sufficiently distant, then there’ll rise in Latency.

Propagation Delay

Propagation delay is a key factor in determining the latency experienced when browsing on your computer or mobile device. It also influences other measurements such as speed of download, upload speeds and wireless connectivity.

Different types of Internet Connection

There are significant differences in latency between internet connections. DSL and cable have lower latency, whereas fiber has more of an average. Satellite tends to be slower due to its architecture which needs more space for transmission. This causes long wait times, as well as a higher buffering capability on websites which you must access music video or audio files.

What’s on a site?

Ever clicked on a link then waited until the site loaded and then clicked on it again? That was because they were trying to make their Angelfire page look good. Because they glued The Office memes all across it, it now takes longer to go there every time.

If you visit a site with large files like HD videos or images, your web browser needs to download these files. You might experience some delays when the files are located in a remote server from the website you are currently browsing.

For more information, click high latency


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